
WARRIOR’S NAME. The project perspectives


The project perspectives

Speaking about the current stage of work on the creation the database of fallen Jewish soldiers, and about the nearest prospects, let us emphasize a few features.
  1. In the future, as the project progresses, its organizers intend to expand the base with one more large section: information about Jewish war veterans who met the Victory. Their number amounted to about 300 thousand people. Many of them were lucky to live a long life, some of them made Aliyah to Israel at the end of their lives, where their families now live. At present, descendants of war veterans live in all countries of the former Soviet Union, in Europe and America. We believe that many of them will consider it their duty and honor to send information about their fathers and grandfathers to perpetuate the memory of them in printed and electronic Books of Memory and reference books. The structure of the Unified Database of the WARRIOR’S NAME Project allows to realize such an ambitious task.
  2. As well as creating a database of Soviet Jewish soldiers, it is necessary to work on collecting data on Jewish soldiers of the Allies of World War II. This search has specifics for each country, as there are specific features of each country’s military documentation. Nevertheless, our projects’ database format allows us to include sections with materials on Jews in the armies of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, France — all the Allied countries. Thus, in the future the database of the project THE WARRIOR’S NAME will also become a reflection and evidence of the fact that during the Second World War there was a united Jewish people living in different countries of the world, and this people took an active part in the struggle against German fascism.