
WARRIOR’S NAME. Methodology issues


Methodology issues

In the process of including the names of deceased soldiers in the project database, three key questions must be answered:

  • How reliable is the information about the soldier’s death? This problem usually applies to the «Missing in Action» record.
  • How to determine whether different accounts in the online archives of military documentation refer to the same person, which are similar, but slightly different in the spelling of the name?
  • How can we determine a warrior’s national identification when including him in the Jewish Book of Remembrance?

On this page will be presented actual materials, showing on concrete examples, how the participants of the search group of the project NAME OF WARRIOR solve such problems.

In the process of search work we have to face difficult questions:

  • How can we determine the nationality of a warrior if several documents, including award documents, contain different information?
  • What indirect signs in the documents can be used to identify the nationality of a soldier?
  • How to search for information about a soldier’s relatives if there is no other way to determine nationality?
  • In what cases should the entry «Missing in Action» be especially carefully double-checked?
  • How can the region of a soldier’s death be determined if it is not listed in military documents?

We hope that the techniques and methods of solving search problems, which we will show on concrete examples from our work experience, can be used by our colleagues studying various aspects of the topic of Jewish participation in the war.